One day…

There are many things that I do not understand. I get bits and pieces of revelations, here and there, but I have yet to even scratch the surface. However, one day, it will all become clear.  There will be no more hints of reflections, but instead, my eyes will truly be opened. Upon that glorious day, however, all of my questions will immediately fade into the background. Yes, everything else will pale in comparison, when I see the face of my precious Redeemer.


“Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” ~1 Corinthians 13:12

More on…My Help and My Hope

God gave me a poem and then a passage of scripture. Then, he gave me an image, idea, & a promise. I was able to find this photo & add the text. Thank You Lord…I needed this!!

This is the poem (from last post):

This is the scripture passage: “I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD’s great …love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him…” ~Lamentations 3:19-25

God has promised that He will never leave me. (Matt. 28:20, Joshua 1:5, and Hebrews 13:5) God is faithful. (Deut. 7:9, Psalm 33:4, Psalm 145:13) God keeps His covenants. (Nehemiah 1:5, Daniel 9:4, Genesis 9:1-17)

My Help and My Hope

My Help and My Hope

(I wrote on 10/30/11)

I have an affliction

that threatens my mind.

It is a condition

that hasn’t been kind.

It’s brought much confusion,

heartache, and pain.

It’s tortured & taunted me

time and again.


Yet, I have a Savior

Who won’t let me go.

He shields and protects me;

He does love me so.

He’s given such grace,

‘Tis sufficient for me.

His strength is so perfect

and ever will be.


Though I seek total healing,

I find no such cure.

But, He’ll always be with me;

of this, I am sure.

Every Day’s a Good Day!

As little Kerry was praying last night, he said: “…And Lord, please help us to get a good night’s sleep tonight & to have a good day tomorrow. And Lord, I hope You get a good night’s sleep & You have a good day tomorrow. But, OF COURSE, You have a good day EVERY day, because You live in HEAVEN!!” =)

Memories-Faith & Family Video

Memories-Faith & Family:

Kid’s Stuff

–One day, I took the kids along with me to the gym. They played basketball, while I walked the (open-viewed) track upstairs. Kerry suddenly rushed up to me for the SECOND time & said, “Mommy, I’m sorry to interrupt you again, but I had to run all the way up here to tell you…that I’m about to pass out!” {Lol! Hmmm…really?! 😉 =)}

–So Sarah and I both got our hair cut last week. When we got in the car to leave, Sarah looked in the mirror and proclaimed, “I’m GOR-GEOUS!” =) (Her modesty astounds me EVERY time! ;))

–A couple of days ago, Kerry suddenly exclaimed, “Mommy, Mommy, you have to see this! This commercial says you can take this medicine, and it will help you remember things!! You REALLY need that!!” (…He always knows just what to say. 😉 =) )

Embracing All of Life

“Dear Lord, please help me to embrace & enjoy the good times while they are here. May I not fear the bad times to come, but may I also not be surprised when they do. Let me always remember that whatever the moment brings…This too shall pass, and that’s o.k. Let me not dread, dwell, or anticipate…But instead to just experience the ebb and flow of life; to receive and accept what You ordain. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

I was feeling especially good this morning…happy, whole, content, peaceful, hopeful. Then a shudder of panic & fear went through me for a second. When I called out to God, it was fleeting, and then gone, and the peace returned. (The prayer/statement above is what came to me.)

‎”Dear Lord, I’m reminded of one more thing. (I’m sure you are not surprised by that. ;)) Dear Lord, please help me to remember that whatever life brings (or whatever I fear it may bring), that I need to give you my best. I always need to give you my all…no matter how big or how small.”

Dad, Happy Father’s Day!

So, y’all know what this Sunday is, don’t ya?! It’s an important day…It’s Father’s Day! This post is dedicated to my Dad:

Dad, Happy Father’s Day!!


*(Originally posted @ Daily Provision on 6/14/08)


If you’ve ever met my dad, you probably remember him. You see, he’s never known a stranger…Dad is very friendly, outgoing, charismatic, and gregarious. He loves to talk, and he welcomes opportunities to converse with most anyone. Whereas Mom and I (I’m told I was more outgoing as a young child) might shrink back in groups of people and avoid talking to others, Dad purposely seeks out a good conversation. Communicating with others is like a passion of Dad’s, and it is something that often seems to energize him.

However, there is another form of communication that is a passion of Dad’s, and I can’t imagine my father without either. Music is the other way that Dad expresses himself and shares with others. My dad has played guitar since he was a kid, and his guitar is like an extension of himself.

Dad taught me how to sing, how to harmonize, and how to pluck a little on the guitar. Dad and I starting singing duets together when I was about 8 yrs. old. We sang together off and on for many years, and we still sing every once in a while, when we can get the time (life tends to be a little busier for me these days!)

Dad also taught me some very practical things. I’ve been target shooting and fishing with my dad.  I baited my first hook under Dad’s supervision (that experience served me well a month or so ago when I took the kids on a fishing field trip). Dad also taught me a couple of simple, yet vital things about maintaining a car. He told me to get the oil changed every 3,000 miles, and he showed me how to check the water, oil, and radiator levels. A couple of his tips once helped me continue to drive a Cavalier until it was 12 years old and had over 200,000 miles!

Concerning deeper things, such as spiritual matters, Dad was also there. When I was 9 yrs. old and went down to the altar at church, it was Dad who went with me. I knew I wanted to accept Jesus into my heart. Dad shared John 3:16 with me, and that was exactly what I needed. He prayed with me, and I prayed the prayer of salvation and was baptized soon after.

Thank you Dad for all you have taught me and shared with me. I love you, Dad! Happy Father’s Day!!

Someone Says You’re Special

One night recently, someone special to me, said to me, “You are special.” Actually, I’m not even sure if this was directly imparted to me or not, but regardless, I’m holding on to it anyway!

You see, most importantly, I “heard” God’s voice, in the midst of this message.  God said to me:

“My dear child, you ARE special.  C’mon, you must know that you are…even if you’ve hidden the truth way down deep inside…It’s still there, and the truth hasn’t changed. Yes, you ARE special; you always have been, and you always will be. I made you, I know you, and I LOVE you!!!! Please don’t ever believe otherwise!!”


Thank You so much Lord for that reassurance. Please help me to hang on to the truth, and when the devil tries to lie to me again…Please help me to remember Your message. 


Each of us is unique, and each and every one of us is loved by God…


“For God so LOVED the WORLD, that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in Him should not perish , but have everlasting life.” –John 3:16


Where Would I Be?

While walking today,the following question occurred to me:


“If I hadn’t accepted Jesus as my Savior, some 30 yrs. ago, where would I be today?


I shudder to consider it, and that’s just the plain truth. I don’t know where I’d be, but I know there would be nothing good about it! So many times, Jesus has brought me through what nothing or no one else could.

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