Someone Says You’re Special

One night recently, someone special to me, said to me, “You are special.” Actually, I’m not even sure if this was directly imparted to me or not, but regardless, I’m holding on to it anyway!

You see, most importantly, I “heard” God’s voice, in the midst of this message.  God said to me:

“My dear child, you ARE special.  C’mon, you must know that you are…even if you’ve hidden the truth way down deep inside…It’s still there, and the truth hasn’t changed. Yes, you ARE special; you always have been, and you always will be. I made you, I know you, and I LOVE you!!!! Please don’t ever believe otherwise!!”


Thank You so much Lord for that reassurance. Please help me to hang on to the truth, and when the devil tries to lie to me again…Please help me to remember Your message. 


Each of us is unique, and each and every one of us is loved by God…


“For God so LOVED the WORLD, that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in Him should not perish , but have everlasting life.” –John 3:16


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